Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thanks to Everyone

I want to thank every one who's been so supportive of this project. I was surprised how much interest every one showed over at AionSource. I'll do the best I can to deliver a quality product.

I am concerned about every one's anxiety regarding bannings and hacking. It's a terrible plague that has blighted our beloved Aion. We all live in fear that anything we do will get us banned. And god forbid if we click a link and our account gets hacked.

The finger pointing needs to stop. NCSoft has technology to detect automation. THAT is what they're after. I once attacked an npc in Beluslan at the same time some one else did. I shrugged and dealt more damage so I got the loot. I walked away to the next npc and he sent me a tell, "hmm, bot?" This is getting out of hand.

Another method players use to cheat is hacking. Some hacking I've seen in other MMOs include speed hacks. There are supposed glide hacks in Aion. These hacks use a number of methods that include reading/modifying Aion's memory, modifying the client files and packet sniffing. All of which are against Aion's and just about any other game's EULA. I'll say it again, NCSoft uses technology to detect these cheaters and they will eventually be caught.

I will be the first to say to NCSoft, "I am developing this utility and I am using it." In fact, I've already emailed them and asked them to feature KDM in their next "Eye on Community" article. Until they make a change to the EULA to make exceptions to third party software, you won't get a straight answer out of them because they can't give you one. But I can promise one thing: they're after cheaters, not players.

Damage meters have been around since the Dawn of MMOs. KDM does nothing against the EULA except exist as third party software. And I will see that it stays that way.

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